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About Me

Hello! I am a Graphic Designer by trade but I have loved reading and writing since I was a child. I hope you enjoy my works!
A Future After All

A Future After All

Seven years gone. Not in a flash, that would have been a blessing. The years had lingered and festered. Started when she was...

Corporate Collision

Corporate Collision

Bob had that look on his face again. His nose crinkled in a distinct expression of disgust. Disgusted with himself, perhaps. Or more accurately, disgusted with me. “Carol, the printer is out of paper again,” Bob said. His voice was quiet, but his anger was as clear as...

Beneath the Yellow Street Light

Beneath the Yellow Street Light

Kathy pressed end on her black flip phone. She was too young to have something so old but her paycheck dictated such things. Her call had gone unanswered, as always. She couldn't blame Sean for not answering. He had twenty-five years’ worth of reasons to ignore her....

The Lonely Vacation

The Lonely Vacation

"You look lonely, miss." Cynthia spun on her heels to face the voice that had spoken to her. At first, she was irked. How exactly does someone "look lonely"? But she was surprised to find a gentle, friendly face looking back at her and her frown slowly lifted into a...

Almost a Jail Rat

Almost a Jail Rat

Claire VanBurgen thought there'd be more riffraff surrounding this type of thing. The shows always made it look so dramatic. Being jostled and dragged into the police station, hands grabbed in the harshest manner, slammed on little pads of black ink for...